Saturday, August 25, 2007

Parole Denied

Because of Andy's "tenchaper" (as Joey would say), we'll be here a bit longer. His fever broke a bit earlier this morning, but for the most part, he's had a fever since the small hours of the morning. Sometime between 1:00am and 3:00am, to be exact. At 1:00, he was fine, at 3:00, he was 103+.

Still not sure exactly what's causing the fever, all blood tests are coming back negative. Hard to say at this point.

It's looking like it will be Monday or Tuesday at the earliest before we leave the hospital. Let's say he wakes up tomorrow with no fever. Then the earliest would be 24 hours from tomorrow morning. However, they will want to make darn sure, so they will probably keep him another 24 hours. So realistically, I'd say we're probably looking at later in the week before he can go home.

Andy's counts are dropping now or will be dropping soon. What's this mean? It means we'd really rather not have visitors until his counts are up. Yeah, this includes grandparents. Yeah, this includes siblings even. There's no point in taking a chance. With his white blood cell counts so low.. well... it's just not worth it. So as much as Andy and I would love to have your company, hold off until further notice.

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