Sunday, December 9, 2007

It's Cold Out There

Ask Emma what it's like outside and she'll tell you. "It's cold out there."

She's really learning to talk well. She loves saying, "it's cold out there." And it sounds so cute the way she says it.

Patience calls her poop squeak, to which Emma responds "beerbeer." Nobody knows what beerbeer means. Walk up to her and say "Poop squeak!" She'll smile and say "Beerbeer!" again in a cute voice. Or say "Beerbeer!" and she'll respond with "Poop squeak!"

I see Greg's back at his antics again. Manpurse-wearing Kanadian quiche-flavored Muncho freak.

So tomorrow Andy goes back to the hospital for 3 days of poisoning. I realized today, as did Julie, that he has no appointment setup. I'll call in the morning.

This SHOULD be Andy's last inpatient visit to the hospital. It will also conclude his chemo! I'm thinking we'll get some cookies or something for the 4th floor nurses and families in honor of Andy's official "No More Chemo Day." I've watched other kids have this day and have silently wished for that day to come for Andy. Yay!

If everything goes as planned, here's how things should shape up. Tomorrow, Tuesday, and Wednesday he'll receive chemo and will be released to come home sometime late afternoon / early evening Wednesday.

Friday and/or the following Monday he will go to the clinic for blood counts. Same thing the following Friday. By this time his counts will be back up... FOR GOOD!

I think there's one more CT scan in there somewhere. I know there's one more hearing test in there somewhere.

Also somewhere in there he'll go back under the knife to have his port taken out. Oh by the way, they'll fix that hernia which is what started this whole thing (see the first post).

Friday, December 28 the nightmare should be over for all intents and purposes.

At some point we'll talk about a "Cancer Sucks" party that will probably involve at least 2 kegs and a very crowded Kelley house. But we don't want to jinx ourselves and start planning this just yet. But just know it's in the future and be prepared.

So we now have some new neighbors. And I think they like to party. I fell asleep last night to the sound of very loud music. I couldn't tell if they had it cranked up or if it was live. I do know that they're drummers or something like that so it was very possibly live music. It feels good to not be the loud one on the block for once. :)

Hey Brockleycrap. I have 3 words for you: Poop and pee!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It seems like a switch was turned on in Emma. She talks amazing well in a very clear voice. What a cutey!!!! Can't wait to see Andy eating, growing, having fun and walking. Also can't wait to see his hair come back. Andy filled out with a head of hair and starting to walk. That is what I'm dreaming of this Christmas.