Friday, December 14, 2007

We're Home! For Good!

Yep. Home for good. Well, technically he could get an infection and have to go back... But we won't let that happen.

The last day in the hospital was surreal. The last day of chemo. Everything was the last. The last time I have to put him to bed at night and let him scream himself to sleep. The last night nurse. The last 8:00pm vital check. The last midnight vital-check. The last 4:00am vital check. The last time waking up in the hospital. The last nurse. The last shower. The last ride around the hospital in his little car. The last chemo. The last discharge and walk out to the car.

The first day of his new life.

It would appear as though God has a special place in his heart for Andy.


Anonymous said...

Amazing! Incredible! Wonderful! Making me tear up from this side of the computer! You guys are an amazing family and I am truly blessed everyday that you consider me a friend! PLEASE give him a big hug for me and squeeze his little toes!!! Love you guys!

Anonymous said...

Andy, you are such a special baby and paw-paw loves you and is so proud of you. Crit, you and Julie and Joey and Emma have been absolutely incredible through this entire ordeal. There were times when I doubted you and wondered if you were really being honest with me about your fears and feelings but I was proved wrong. For the first time in nearly 51 years I am speechless at this point. Thank God everyday of your lives :-)