Monday, August 27, 2007

Day 19 - Big News

Ok, time for a quick upswing on my emotional roller coaster. Andy hasn't had a fever in over 36 hours, so he's off antibiotics. They were going to monitor him for another 24 hours, but since his counts are still up (dropping but up) and since he looks so good now, they're sending him home!

For those of you who don't know, Andy has been on TPN through his port. That's how he's getting his nutrition and is now looking healty again without having eaten much of anything.

A few days ago, when we were originally supposed to go home, they arranged to have his TPN delivered to the home and have a home health nurse help us out. So starting tonight, he'll continue to get his TPN, even at home, through a much smaller (and quieter!) IV pump and with the assistance and training of a home health nurse. The best part is that my insurance is covering this 100%! My insurance, day to day, is very annoying, but when it comes to big event such as this, I thank God that we have my insurance!

He will continue to be on a laundry list of drugs. They're taking him off Tylenol with Codeine and giving him Oxycodone. Yeah, that's the stuff that the teenagers are on now. But he's been on it for pain here in the hospital and it's working great, and in this dosage we don't have to worry about addiction.

So that's it! Looks like Andy and I will be sleeping in our own beds tonight!

Ok, all you lurkers who read but never comment, speak your mind! Say hello! I know you're there! ;)


Anonymous said...

excellent news!!!! Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

Thank God. I was REALLY starting to get worried about him.
ps.. speaking of thanking God, I think you can get angry at him. He's had meaner armies than you mad at Him before :-)

Anonymous said...

Daddy Dan,

This is from Jay, who visited you the day of the baseline hearing test and van-ramming incident. I found out that Andy had taken a turn back in the hospital this Saturday night while at my daughters wedding. We got short notice to pull the wedding together, so I had not not been checking the blog and I hadn't seen your Dad to ask for an update. So, I asked our pastor to pray for Andy Sunday morning, which they took very seriously. My plan was to come and visit you Sunday afternoon, but wedding obligations did not end until much later than expected (sorry for the good intention with no follow-through). Now I hear that Andy is going home before I can come by Teusday night.
Anyway, Andy remains #1 on my prayer list,and you parents are #2. Our homegroup is also praying.
I read your angry outburst. Good for you! Venting doesn't hurt and neither does honesty. God certainly understands and also knows your heart's cry for Andy. He has that same caring for you and Andy. Didn't mean to talk so long, but wanted to make contact with you. Also, thanks for the info on the girl turning nine.
Jay Van Reed

Anonymous said...

From the Deekens across the street:

Hi Dan & Julia,

Okay, hello! We're guilty of being some of those lurkers. Donna told us about your blog and we've been checking it often. Saw some activity at your house when I got home from work tonight and was hoping it was good news. Glad you are all home together. We've been praying for Andy and your family.

Please let us know if there is anything at all we can do. I talked to Julia last week and she said your freezer was pretty stocked at that time. If it becomes depleted, I'm an okay cook. I'd offer to babysit but am a little afraid of the germ factor (as in my own germs), and Beth is working at Cornerstone Academy (day-care center) after school, so she's out.

Thanks for keeping us updated. We are thinking of you guys and wishing for the best for all of you.

Joe & Mary

P.S. Maybe by the time the block party rolls around you'll have a chance to kick my #$! at Texas Hold 'Em again. Kathy down the block said it might be in October this year. My goal this year is to make it through one hand. We'll see though.

Becky said...

Hey #2 Neph!

Soooo glad you and #1 Neph are going to be sleeping in your own beds tonight! You and I both know these numbers mean nothing. Heck, I've got three #1 neph's. :) Plus! Two #1 nieces. :)

The love you have for Andrew, Emma and Joey have no limits. Julia's too. I'm proud of the both of you as parents.

It pains me not to be with you at the hospital. But please know that I completely understand. I wouldn't want anybody around my children with a weakened immune system. I say, pay no mind to those who don't understand & wonder why you've made this request. What your wishes are for your son should be abided by all without question.

I can understand your anger with God. One wonders why He allows such things to happen.

I'm in full agreement with you in regards to those who think the world owe them a living. Taking advantage of the numerous social programs offered by our government were not designed for this. The programs were supposed to be a means of temporary help for those in need. (I'll get off my soap box now).

There's only ONE thing I don't agree with you on. That's the '60's and '70's. Granted, Woodstock wasn't all that much. Just a bunch of folks that wore flowers in their hair and spoke of free love. Did more than talk too.

One of the better things that came out of the '60's and early to mid '70's were the muscle cars. Oh baby! To just name two, the 396 Chevelle & Mustang. Oh sure, there were more. I just dated a couple guys back then who owned those I mentioned and got to ride in them pretty often. So that time period was good for a little something. (heehee)

Why and whatever for God has allowed this to happen, I couldn't begin to say. The good thing is that you and Julia have each other, strong love from both familes, the love of friends, concerns of those who read this and a strong belief in God.

This cancer is tough, but Andy, you and all of those who love you and Andy are tougher!

I love you neph!

Aunt Becky

Anonymous said...

Congrats! Best news we've heard in awhile. Enjoy it.


Uncle Phil and Aunt Carolyn

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

We are so happy to hear that you two are home. Danny you kinda thru me for a loop last night answering the home phone! It was great to hear your voice at home. We love you all.
Janice & Mike