Monday, August 13, 2007

Thank you

Well, I am at home again this evening with Joey and Emma, who are being excellent troopers through all of this. Joey is being such a great big bother and Emma I think is just a little to young to understand everything that is going on. I have the best husband in the world but most of all he is the BEST Father. He has not left the hospital to come home since Andy has been there. He is glued to Andy's side. He is the most amazing Daddy. He even gave blood today and was only stuck twice. (that is really good for him)

I want to thank everyone that has helped us. Everything that has been done has been amazing and greatly appreciated. Thank you everyone for all the food. It will not go to waste.

1 comment:

Becky said...

Hey Mom!

You're a fantastic Momma too!


Aunt Becky