Tuesday, October 23, 2007

We Need Your Help [updated]

Julie didn't work at all Monday. She could only work for 4 hours today because I had a meeting I had to get to. She can only work for four hours tomorrow because I have a meeting I have to get to.

To everyone who said at the beginning of all this that you'd watch the kids if necessary, it's time to step up. We need someone to come up to the hospital tomorrow from 7:00am until around 1:00pm. I have a very long but very important meeting.

In addition to that, Julie has a LOT of work to make up! She needs evenings to do this. However, there's too much she needs to get done in the evening including watching kids, making dinner, doing baths, and putting to bed. I'm not home to help with all this, so we need someone to plan on spending some time at the house during the evenings to do the above.

Why not the grandparents? Well, let's see...
Today Julie's dad came over for 4 hours so she could come up here so I could get to my meeting.
Yesterday Julie's mom and dad both took off so they could come up to the hospital for Andy's surgery.
My mom came over Sunday and spent the night so she could watch the kids on Monday, so she had to take off.
My stepdad has been helping my mom with the kids.
My dad has been working double shifts and has a dog who eats butter by the pound.
you get the idea.

So yeah, we need your help. We're only 2 people and there's only 24 hours in a day. I haven't slept more than about 4 hours in the last 72 hours, and Julie's in the same boat. We need to sleep at some point.

Thanks in advance!

Update: My dad is taking tomorrow, we need peeps for Wed. evening still.

Another update: I just left Andy's bed rail down and walked out of the room. I don't want to think of what that fall would have done to him, but my guess is it would have been worse than cancer. I am not officially the worst dad on the planet. I'm too tired to care for my son to the point to where I endangered his health. Yeah, we need your help.


Anonymous said...

I can do that for you Critter but I ABSOLUTELY have to leave at 1:00 pm. I have to work from 3:00pm to 11:00pm and I cannot be late.
Is 7:00 am REALLY necessary? I have been working this weird shift and not getting to sleep until early AM.
And I love everyone but I do live very far from there which means leaving the house at 6:00 am with little sleep. Let me know all this. And you DO have my work number and I am here tonight until 11:00pm.

andrew 4 life said...

Yes, 7am is really necessary. we would not have asked if it was not necessary. I do not want Andy to be there by himself it is not fair. Please I am begging you to do this.


Anonymous said...

I can be there this afternoon. I will see how early I can get off. We were planning on coming up to sit with you and Andy tonight anyway. Do you want us at the hospital or at home with the kids? Mom

Anonymous said...

Cont'd from Mom T.
Hey Danny, we can sit with Andy tonight and you can go home and take care of the kids while Julie works if you want to. It's up to you, your choice. Let me know. I'll let you know what time I'll be there. Love you! Mom